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Bentley Power GEOPAK V8i (SELECTSeries 3) (2013)









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發表於 2013-5-31 12:31:02
Bentley Power GEOPAK V8i (SELECTSeries 3) (2013)  926 MB

Bentley Power GEOPAK V8i (SELECTSeries 3) (2013) | 926 MB

Bentley Systems, Incorporated, the leading company dedicated to providing comprehensive software solutions for sustaining infrastructure, announced the release of GEOPAK V8i (SELECTseries 3) and the forthcoming SELECTseries 3 releases of its country-specific PowerCivil products throughout 2013.

All of the products now share the powerful and unifying capabilities of Bentley’s OpenRoads technology, advancing through information modeling for multi-disciplinary roadway teams “BIM” objectives such as better design decisions, increased construction awareness, and interoperability for asset management. As a SELECTseries upgrade, OpenRoads technology uniquely provides a nondisruptive path to achieving these objectives while preserving users’ investments in their existing civil engineering software, including previous releases of InRoads, GEOPAK, MXROAD, and country-specific PowerCivil. Moreover, it adheres to established required organizational standards for drawing, engineering specifications, engineering computations, and roadway design within – and, in the case of consultants, for – the numerous major civil owner-operators who have adopted and invested in Bentley’s civil engineering software.

OpenRoads technology provides the common workflow, data structure, and modeling tools that civil engineering organizations need to meet today’s information modeling and accelerated project delivery requirements. Among the rigorous requirements it supports are those of the U.S.’s Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21) Act and the U.K.’s BS 1192 methodology for managing the production, distribution, and quality of construction information, which is crucial to implementing the U.K.’s Government Construction Strategy of May 2011.

Bentley’s Power GEOPAK is proven civil engineering road design software that works the way you want with the power you need to complete your transportation infrastructure projects. It provides complete CAD drafting capabilities, powerful mapping tools, and design automation for civil engineering professionals. Power GEOPAK features an innovative road design approach using constraint-driven, 3D parametric modeling in a total-project context.

Advantages of OpenRoads Technology

The V8i (SELECTseries 3) releases of Bentley’s InRoads, GEOPAK, MXROAD, and country-specific PowerCivil products, empowered by OpenRoads technology, help engineers and designers to:

- work with any data available for their design or survey projects as a result of enhanced data acquisition – From photogrammetry to total station surveys, GPS, LiDAR, and point clouds, the new releases can upload the data and analyze and manipulate it, all while ensuring the original data’s provenance.
- enhance conceptual and preliminary design – The new offerings combine rich analysis with the ability to view and visualize data all in one package. They include constraint-driven templates, a context-sensitive, intuitive interface, geospatial analysis, and a dynamic 3D modeler. Users can visualize the design at any time and on demand within the modeling workflow, with no translations, software, or special workflow processes required.
- make design decisions while building dynamic models – The interactive, dynamic, intelligent modeling of roadway components enables users to create information-rich models, with no user programming required. All design, editing, and decisions are provided in all views of plan, profile, cross section, and super diagram.
- quickly and cost-effectively respond to road rehabilitation projects – The new releases include 3D information modeling tools such as 3D parametric modeling capabilities that allow interactive design and review in a synchronized viewing environment. Information-rich modeling tools integrate with CAD, mapping, GIS, and even business tools like 3D PDFs, empowering engineers to make the most of their acquired knowledge while supporting traditional, proven methodologies.
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